You are in the
middle of an investigation and you recover a sample of the malware used to
compromise one of your high valued targets. Now, depending on how mature your
IR security strategy/team is in your organization, you as a security analyst or
incident handler have 4 options:
- Hand it over to your malware
analysts team
- Use third party enterprise
automated sandbox solutions
- Contact your On-Demand
special IR service to help you with the analysis
- Or freak out because you
couldn’t afford the first three options in the first place, and all you
have is Google to find out if anyone has analyzed the same piece of
malware already.
The purpose of this
post is to provide some basic ideas in order to allow incident responders to
feel more comfortable building their own malware analysis lab when budget is a
constraint or when the analysis needs to be strictly done in-house.
Also, This post will
be the start of my "Analyzing the Predator" series which will go
through some beginner steps on how to analyze malware and also show my
development in this field. I am always learning new stuff so I hope we can
learn together!
Malware Analysis Goals
- Answer your boss's questions
- What is the impact?
- What is the risk?
- Understand malware
- Provide new IOCs to the
- Determine if it is commodity
malware or a targeted attack (Attribution)
Malware Analysis Technique
- Static Analysis
- Malware is not executed in
order to be examined
- It can go all the way from looking up the file hash online, finding strings, checking functions or headers to disassembling the piece of malware (stare at it, stare at it..)
- Dynamic Analysis
- Malware is executed in order
to be analyzed
- Considered the very next
step after a basic static analysis
- Easy and fast way to
determine malware capabilities
- Used also with advanced
static analysis when the piece of malware has encrypted content and needs
to be run in order to show itself.
Malware Lab Standard layout
Figure 1: Basic standard layout |
- You will need 2 virtual
machines ( XP/Win7 and REMnux). I am pretty sure you know who will be the
victim and who can play the role of a gateway
- Victim has one virtual network
adapter which communicates only with the virtual internal network
(Virtualbox default "intnet")
- Gateway has two virtual network
adapters (One to communicate with the virtual internal network and another
one to talk to the Internet or the host to download the malware sample and
then pass it to Victim)
- You can also have Burp
running as a transparent proxy on the gateway VM and have full control of
the network communications originated from the victim. (That will be part
of another post where I will show you how you can take your lab set up to
the next level and perform a dynamic analysis responding to malware
calling home as if you were the C2)
- Use VirtualBox (Because it is
- Install Windows XP - Victim VM
- Take a snapshot of victim
after the installation and call it Fresh
- Install REMnux - Gate VM
- Update
Built-in toollssudo
update-remnux full
- Install
guest utils:sudo
apt-get install virtualbox-guest-utils
- Reboot
reboot now
- Take a snapshot of Gate and call it Fresh-Updated
- Enable network adapter 1 and
attach it to NAT (It will be used to download the piece of malware
either from the physical host or the Internet. You should disable the
adapter from your shell when you are ready to run the sample of malware
in you victim VM to avoid any interaction either with the physical host
or the Internet during the infection/analysis )
- Also, just in case you
wonder, I am hard-wired to my network and my Adapter type, under
Advanced options, is
PRO/1000 MT Desktop
Figure 2: Enabling adapter 1 and attaching it
to NAT |
- Enable network adapter 2 and
attach it to Internal Network
- Click on the arrow pointing
down to the left of the option Name, and you will be able to select your Internal
- By default VirtualBox has intnet already created for you, but
since I use intnet for other vms, I create a new unique virtual network
called Internal
Figure 3: Enabling adapter 2 and attaching it
to Internal network |
- Now, start your Gate VM (It might show you a message
saying it is Waiting for network configurations. Just wait..)
- Once it shows you the
desktop, open a shell and elevate your rights to root ( You can do this or
just type sudo on every single command that will configure system
settings. My instructions use sudo before any command just in case you
forget to do this or skip this step)
- check if you got an IP
assigned to the NAT adapter ( Should be the eth0 interface)
- You can see that only eth0 and lo are active/enabled in your
- We have to enable our Internal
Network Adapter eth1 (Internal network)
- You can use commands such as
eth1 up to
enable that adapter, but it will not survive a reboot
- Therefore, you will need to
edit the interfaces file (/etc/network/interfaces)
vim /etc/network/interfaces
- Once you open the file, you
will see that eth0 interface is enabled and receiving an IP via DHCP
- Next, you will have to enable
eth1 and assign a static IP to
it. Also, remember that eth1 will be the gateway for the VM Victim.
- Make sure your file looks like this after adding eth1 configurations:
Figure 4: Adding eth1
configurations to /etc/network/interfaces |
- Next, restart your network
services :
service network restart (ignore "failed to
bring up eth1" message)
- Run ifconfig and check your interfaces
(You should have eth1 enabled with the static IP you assigned to it in the
interfaces file)
- Configure INetSim
- INetSim allows your vm to
simulate common Internet services such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, IRC, DNS,
SMTP and others.
- This will avoid the sample
of malware to call out to a C2 (You don’t want the owner of the C2 to see
your VM/house/work talking to his/her server)
- INetSim comes pre-installed
in REMnux
and these are some Key file locations to keep in mind if you want to
customize your INetSim application your way or add more complex features:
- Init.d config file:
- Main Config : /etc/inetsim/inetsim.conf
- Reports : /var/log/inetsim/reports
- Main Log: /var/log/inetsim/
- Data Files: /var/lib/inetsim/
- For this setup, you will have
to, first, access the Main Config file with sudo rights
vim /etc/inetsim/insetsim.conf
- Once you start going down the file with
the down arrow key, you will start seeing services that the application
supports ( dns, http, https, etc)
- Make sure you have
"start_service dns" enable (uncomment that line - delete the #
symbol next to it)
- Then, keep going down the file and bind the eth1 static address to the
services handled by INetSim as shown below in figure 5.
Figure 5: binding eth1 static address to the
services handled by INetSim |
- In addition, uncomment dns_default_ip
and add the gateway IP in order to
resolve all DNS requests from the victim machine to our gateway
- Make sure start_service
dns ,in the Main conf file, is not commented
Figure 6: uncommenting dns_default_ip line and
binding it to eth1 static IP |
- [OPTIONAL] if you want to avoid
malware fingerprinting INetSim:
- Uncomment #dns_default_domainame
some.doman and
give it a name (Change some.domain to anything)
- In addition, edit the init.d
config file (/etc/default/inetsim) to start INetSim at boot, and to be enable
the application:
vim /etc/default/inetsim
- In addition, you have to make
sure you create an iptable rule which will redirect new connections to eth1
Sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -j REDIRECT
- Restart INetSim:
/etc/init.d/inetsim restart
- You can check if your gateway
INetSim is listening on specific
-an | less
Figure 7: Output showing INetSim services running/listening on the static IP of
eth1 |
- For now, this will be our
basic gate set up,
but later in another post, I will show you how you can use Burp in VM Gate and manipulate the
traffic produced by the malware. Also, ApateDNS, a free tool by Mandiant, can
be install in our VM Victim to see DNS request made by malware right away and then
redirect the traffic to INetSim or Burp.
- Take another snapshot of Gate and call it "Ready"
- Enable network adapter 1 and
attach to Internal Network
- Make sure you select the new
unique Internal network you created "Internal"
Figure 8: selecting internal network to be
attached to the only network adapter for Victim |
- Start
Victim and configure your network
Figure 9: Configuring the Internal Network
adapter to use Gate IP address as its
gateway and set a static IP
- As you can see we are
statically assigning an IP address that belongs to our
subnet (Internal Network)
- Gateway = VM
Gate eht1 IP address
- We
can test if Victim can ping Gateway
and vice versa:
Figure 10: Pinging Gate (Gateway) |
Figure 11: Pinging Victim from Gate |
- Next,
check your Routing Table and make sure
you see your Gateway IP as a default
gateway address. If not, type route add
Figure 12: checking the Routing Table in Victim to make sure we have Gate as
the default gateway
- Test
your browser to see if Victim is talking
to INetSim
Figure 13: Victim browsing to, and Gate, via INetSim,
responding to the request |
- Before Installing tools on Victim, make sure you do the
following to it :
- Uninstall guest additions if
installed (You will need Guest additions for when you want to share a
folder from your host ONE TIME ONLY to push tools to it, but for this first image,
we want to keep it fresh without extra applications)
- Disable updates (XP: Control
Panel>System>Automatic Updates>Turn off Automatic Updates
- Disable Firewall
- Disable Pop-up blocking
- Show Hidden Files
- Show protected operating
system files
- Change your security and
privacy settings in IE to Low or customize it to make it really
- Stop IE prompts (i.e.
ActiveX Plugins)
- Create a shared folder on
your Victim VM
in order to be available for your Gate VM ( this is will be helpful
to copy malware samples from Gate to Victim ONLY)
- The shared folder, by
default will ask you for credentials to access it (This
shared folder will be only available in the Internal Network)
- Finally take a snapshot of
your Victim VM and
call it "Before Tools"
- Victim's
ToolKit: (All the following versions below worked well with my old XP)
- ApateDNS v1.0 - Controls DNS
responses through an easy-to-use GUI, and redirect traffic to REMnux (You
need at least .NET Framework v2.0)
- Autoruns v13.51- Shows you what programs are
configured to run during system boot or login
- Process Explorer V16.1 - It
shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened
or loaded
- Process Monitor V3.20
(ProcMon) - It shows real-time system, registry and process/thread
- CaptureBAT V2.0.0-5574-
Monitors the state of a system during the execution of applications and
processing of documents
- CFF Explorer x86
version- Portable Executable (PE)
- Dependency Walker v2.2.6000
- Allows you to explore Dynamically Linked Functions
- Exeinfo PE v0.0.4.2 -
Provides great information about an executable such as signatures of
commonly-used packers.
- FileAlyzer V2.0.5.57-
Provides basic PE information and automated unpacking capabilities (UPX
and PECompact)
- McAfee FileInsight V2.1
Build 90 - Hex Editor
- Free Hex Editor Neo V6.20 -
Another great Hex Editor
- IDA Pro Free V5.0 -
Disassembler and debugger
- Md5deep - Windows - Computes
hashes, or messages digests, for any number of files recursively
- OllyDbg V1.10 - A 32-bit
assembler level analyzing debugger for Windows
- OfficeMalScanner V0.54 - MS
Office forensic tool to analyze malicious Office files
- OleDump - Allows you to
analyze OLE files (You need Python installed as well)
- Peid V0.95- Another easy
quick program to detect type of packer or compiler of an application
- Pestudio 8.54 - Spots
malicious/suspicious functionalities of malware. Powerful Parser
- PEView V0.9.9.0- Another
good program to examine PE Files
- Regshot V1.9.0 x86 -
Allows you to compare how much
your registry entries have changed after running malware
- Rekall V1.5.2 Furka x86 -
Memory analysis framework that allows you to acquire memory, analyze
memory images, and perform live memory analysis
- Resource Hacker V4.2.5- Used
to modify, delete and export resources embedded into a PE File
- Mandiant Memoryze V3.0 -
used to dump memory from a Windows system and perform live memory
- Upx V3.91 - Packer - used
also to unpack malware packed with UPX
- WinDbg V6.11.1.404- Windows
Debugger ( unpacking Malware)
- Wireshark Win32 V1.10.1 -
Network protocol analyzer (make sure you have WinPcap V4.1.3 installed)
- Now you can install Guest
additions on Victim ONLY to transfer the toolkit
(Easiest and most convenient way to transfer all your tools)
- Next, share the folder where
you keep your tools locally (HOST) with Victim VM:
Devices Tab > Shared Folders> Shared Folder settings
Figure 14: Adding a Shared folder to Victim's Shared Folder List |
- Move all your tools to Victim and install the ones that
need to be set up (Some tools are just executables that can be run without
being installed)
- Remove the
shared folder you created mapping a folder in your physical host
- Uninstall
Guest Additions from Victim
- Take a snapshot of Victim and name it "Tools
Installed" (make
sure Guest additions are not installed anymore in Victim and the shared
folder removed)
- Now you should be ready to
start using your Lab
- For this quick simple test we
are going to use the following:
- Malware Sample: Lab03-01.exe
from the
Practical Malware Analysis Lab Binaries
- FileAlyzer
- Pestudio
- ApateDNS
- ProcMon
- Process Explorer
- Regshot
- INetSim
- Wireshark
Copy Sample ( Physical Host --> Gate --->
- You can either download the
binaries straight to your Gate or if you are analyzing a sample that you have locally
in your physical host, you can use an http file server.
- (The reason why I use the http file
server is
because that way I don’t share any folders with my VMs, SSH cannot be
done Host-guest via NAT, and I can easily turn on and off my http server
just for the download. DO NOT leave it up and running with malware
samples ready to be downloaded)
- I recommend HFS HTTP
File Server 2.3i
- You can easily launch the
application, drag an executable to the Virtual File System window and all your REMnux has to do is wget to the URL string showing
next to the option Open in browser
Figure 15. HFS HTTP File Server |
- Go to your Gate VM:
- Test if you can ping your
physical host
- If you can't, restart your
network service (this happens sometimes when you wake up your vm or run it from a
snapshot with different physical NICs )
service network restart
- Once you do that, on the HTTP File Server GUI, click:
- Menu>Switch OFF
- Menu> Exit> Don’t Save
- In Gate open the folder being shared
Victim in the
internal network (Go>Network>VictimSharedFolder), and move the
malware sample to it
- Restore gate to forget what just happened
( easy and clean unmount -I am paranoid)
- Then on your Gate, disable eth0 (NAT
- This will have Gate communicate with Victim ONLY
ifconfig eth0 down (You might have to do this twice to disable the adapter)
- DO NOT upload files to VirusTotal if you are analyzing
malware found in your production environment (malware found in your
organization could have been developed specially for your organization and
could contain sensitive information about your environment)
- FileAlyzer(victim)
- Launch FileAlyzer, open the
malware sample, and get general information:
figure 16: General Option for FleAlyzer |
- Check PE Imports and get an
idea of the malware capabilities:
- Kernel32.dll
(Allows core
functionalities such as access and manipulation of memory, files, and
- This piece of malware is
showing only one import. Indicator that this PE file is packed
Figure 17: Malware capabilities |
- Pestudio(Victim)
- We can also use this other
great tool to automate part of the basic investigation and point out
several malicious/suspicious indicators
Figure 18: Malware capabilities |
- We can also look at the
strings of the malware sample and get more information about what it does
- Interaction with Registry
- A domain Name ( possible C2)
- Admin
- An executable that most
likely will be dropped when it runs
Figure 19: Suspicious strings |
- Scroll down a little bit over
the strings and find out more about the malware sample:
- I see a CONNECT HTTP/1.0 string . Clear indicator that this malware
sample sends a GET request to most likely the domain found before
- Interesting VideoDriver and
WinVM32- strings
Figure 20: Suspicious strings |
- After running our first
tools, we can have a basic understanding of a few of the malware
- Now, let's see it in action
- ApateDNS(victim)
- This tool will fake a DNS
server and capture the DNS request made by the malware ( This
will stop malware from connecting to the Internet)
- Since we don’t want the
malware to realize that it is being analyzed, we will redirect the calls
to Gate
which is capable to provide fake network services, through INetSim, pretending to be the C2 and even dropping fake executables.
- When using ApateDNS along
with INetSIm, you will have to make a slight change to your adapter
- You have to set the adapter
Preferred DNS server to
- This will allow ApateDNS to
catch the DNS request first before redirecting the traffic to Gate
Figure 21: Setting adapter's preferred DNS server to |
- Launch ApateDNS, and set DNS Reply IP to in order to
redirect traffic to our Gate
- Next, start the server and
test it by pinging from command prompt
Figure 22: ApateDNS configuration ready |
Figure 23: Successful Test of ApateDNS |
- Now,
we can just leave ApateDNS like this, and start setting up other tools before
running the malware sample.
- ProcMon(victim)
- Disclaimer:
- Procmon can miss the device
driver activity of a user-mode component talking to a rootkit via I/O
- It can also miss hooking
procedures such as SetWindowsHookEx
- In order to avoid ProcMon to
crash our system due to the amount of system calls that already exist in
the XP machine, we have to run procmon only for short period of times. (
basically don’t have it running, capturing events if you are not using it
- In order to do this, click on File and uncheck Capture Events
- Then, clear all the
irrelevant data captured before launching the malware sample
- Now your ProcMon GUI should
look like this:
Figure 24: ProcMon after initial configurations |
- Now when you are ready to run
the malware sample, all you have to do is click on File again and then check
Capture Events
right before running the sample
- You can also create a filter
to monitor the specific name of the piece of malware as a process. This
will filter all the other garbage.
- Remember this is just
filtering what it captures. You can apply other filters after malware is
executed and gather more information
- You can add extra filters
such as RegSetValue and WriteFile in order to show changes the malware makes to the
filesystem and registry.
Figure 25: Procmon Filtering on our malware
sample before running. |
- Process Explorer(Victim)
- Launch process explorer
- This tool will be used to
gather valuable information of the processes running on victim
- It shows processes in a tree
structure with child -parent relationships
- Understand the colors:
- Services = Pink
- Processes = light purple/light blue ( looks purple to me)
- New process = Green
- Terminated process = Red
- Make sure you pay attention to New processes when
you run the piece of malware
Figure 26: Process Explorer Ready |
- RegShot(Victim)
- Open Source registry
comparison tool
- All you have to do is take
the 1st shot right before you run the piece of malware
- Then, you have to wait until
the malware is done making changes to the system in order to take a 2nd shot
- Finally, when you have 2 regshots, the option Compare will be available to compare
both shots
Figure 27: RegShot and its first Regshot |
- INetSIm (Gate)
- INetSim, as you know will
fake network services and make things more legit for your piece of malware
- In this step, we are just
going to check if INetSim is running and if it is listening on all the ports it
is supposed to
-an | less
Figure 28: INetSim listening on the right ports to fake
network services |
- Wireshark (Gate)
- Packet capture tool which
will gives us more details of the traffic hitting Gate eth1
- We will be able to understand
how the piece of malware performs network communications
- Launch Wireshark and then
select eth1 as your Capture Interface
Figure 29: Wireshark Capture Interfaces |
- Gather a first snapshot of
the Registry using RegShot (1st Shot> Shot>) - (Victim)
- Start Wireshark on eth1 interface (Gate)
- Start capturing events with
Procmon (File> Capture Events) - (Victim)
- Run Malware
- We can see Process Explorer showing us the malware
sample running at the bottom
- I can enable options such as
Lower Pane
- We can see that the malware
created a mutex named WinVM32
Figure 30: Gathering quick information about the process
that just started |
- I also enabled another
options, view>lowerPaneView>DLLs
- We can see more than what we
were able to see while doing static analysis to it.
Figure 31: Process Explorer showing DLLs
associated to our malware sample |
- Next, we can check ProcMon and start seeing some
of the strings we found during the basic static analysis (things are
starting to make more sense)
- One interesting first entry
is the write file operation. After double-clicking on the path, we can see
that Lab03-01.exe wrote 7,168 bytes to C:\Windows\System32\vmx32to54.exe. The size of that file is the
same as our malware sample.
Figure 32: ProcMon Findings |
Figure 33: Malware sample wrote itself to another
location |
- It
is suspicious that it is the same size as the malware sample. Therefore, I
checked if they were the same file by simply calculating its MD5 and compare it
with our malware sample.
Figure 34: Comparing MD5s |
- We can now say that our
malware sample copied itself to that location and changed its name (That
name was spotted during string analysis)
- Analyzing our second entry RegSetvalue, and double clicking on it,
it is clear that this is the persistence mechanism of our malware sample.
It added that registry entry VideoDriver ( Spotted during our strings
analysis too) pointing to the malware sample with a new name.
Figure 35: Second Entry - RegSetvalue |
Figure 36: Persistence Found |
- We
can now take a Second shot with Regshot
and compare the two shots to confirm the suspicious registry entry:
Figure 37: Regshot Compare Output |
- Now,
what we can do is take the Operation
filters off and see what else we were able to capture
Figure 38: Taking Operation filters off |
- We can see a lot of entries
after taking the Operation filters off:
- Network API operations
- Functions/DLLs used by our
packed malware such as DNSAPI.dll
- Definitely calling out (
Time to check our Network tools)
Figure 39: more information from the malware
activity |
- Checking ApateDNS, we can see our malware sample
constantly calling out to
- Not signs of
sleeping…constantly calling out.. Really noisy…
Figure 40: malware DNS requests |
- We
can also check our Wireshark pcap and see random data being sent over port 443 (
not SSL traffic though)
Figure 41: Traffic over 443 captured by
Wireshark |
- Even though, we were able to see strings, it seemed to be packed since it was showing only ExitProcess as only import
- The malware wrote itself to another location and changed its name to vmx32to64.exe
- Mutex name also spotted during basic dynamic analysis: WinVMX32
- A persistence mechanism was spotted during dynamic analysis were a registry key was added pointing to the file where the malware copied itself to :
- DNS calls were captured by ApateDNS : and non-ssl traffic over port 443 captured by WireShark.
This is all for this post, On my next posts, I will be adding Burp to my analysis and going over other tools that can be used to do more static analysis (a little bit more advanced). I hope you liked it, and it was helpful to those that didn't know how to start their journey to become a Malware Hunter.
Feedback is appreciated ! .
Wardog Out!
hi i tried to ping from remux to xp but i am not getting it can you plz help me with this
ReplyDeleteHey Sairath, check your Remnux interfaces configuration and make sure that your Adapter 1 is eth0 and eth1 is for your Adapter 2 (internal network). Make sure that the Remnux Static IP is the gateway for your XP Computer.
DeleteLet me know if your configuration is working or not. Thank you
Deletehi can you give your email so i can contact you i have many doubts in this thank you
ReplyDeleteHi sir i tried that configuration but its not working for me actually i am doing project on this please help me with this thank you
ReplyDeleteHey Saisarath, do you still have the same problem? Windows PC not able to ping Remnux? . Try to Restart your network services in your REMnux and make sure after you set your static IP address in your Windows machine it keeps it after rebooting it. I just checked the configurations in my boxes and they work fine for me. Also, try to disconnect your Windows PC from the Virtual Internal network and set it to bridged so that it can pick an IP from your local network. If it works fine, then we know it is a configuration issue and not your network adapters. Try that and let me know please.
DeleteHi Wardog, I am also experiencing same issue. I can ping from Victim to gate but unable to ping from gate to Victim. I can able to ping external from Remnux. Pls help.
DeleteHey Mersal, did you disable the victims firewall?? let me know if that works. thank you !
DeleteYea... I eventually figured it out and it worked..
DeleteI'm having same problem as others mentioned in comments - can't ping from one to other, appears eth0 isn't getting IP.
DeleteI think the problem may have something to do with internal network enabled adapter. Gateway VM accesses internet fine with NAT enabled, but has NO connectivity whatsoever when I enable internal network in addition to NAT.
Thanks... Really useful post. Can I anonymous the traffic from victim via gateway using tor?
ReplyDeleteYes you can! the victim-gateway structure is considered the safest so you will just have to make sure TOR is installed in your gateway and then just make sure your IP tables are routing everything the right way as explained here: check also the concept of Isolating proxies : I hope this helps.
DeleteThanks wardog.. Currently trying to put whonix in front of remnux to torify... Some issues in using two gateways in Ubuntu... Will let u know
DeleteSuch an ideal piece of blog. It’s quite interesting to read content like this. I appreciate your efforts.
ReplyDeleteread Major Differences Between Adware and Malware
If anyone runs into the issue where you can't get the gate and victim to ping eachother, here's what I did:
ReplyDeleteDuring troubleshooting I followed wardog's advice and changed the adapter 1 to Bridged, tested and confirmed my XP box was able to get an IP address and connect to the internet.
Gate config:
1. Changed adapter 1 from NAT to Bridged, chose "paravirtualized network" in advanced settings
2. Changed to "paravirtualized network" in adapter 2 advanced settings
Victim PC:
1. Turn off the firewall
1. Thanks for the guide.
ReplyDelete2. "You can also have Burp running as a transparent proxy on the gateway VM and have full control of the network communications originated from the victim. (That will be part of another post where I will show you how you can take your lab set up to the next level and perform a dynamic analysis responding to malware calling home as if you were the C2)"
Have you posted this guide? I saw this video, does it use the same technique?
It's seems impossible to get CaptureBAT. Do you mind uploading it?
ReplyDeleteIn addition, I would love you hear your opinion regarding Process Hacker and ProcDOT.
"Uninstall Guest Additions from Victim"
ReplyDeleteIf you uninstall it - then your OS is stuck in a small box you can't enlarge. Better to keep the guest additions...
ReplyDeleteYou have a mistake in the configuration
You are not suppose to configure a default gateway
By doing that, if we try to ping the internet from the remnux shell, it goes to instead of going to the default gateway received by our DHCP.
By deleting it, remnux will be able to access the internet using the NAT Adapter, and the victim will be able to access the eth1 network (host-only) and the victim will see the message dispalyed by InetSim
PS it doesn't let me mark "notify me"
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